
Excel 2007 VBA Programmers Reference Wrox P1

www.sharexxx.net - free books & magazines Excel® 2007 VBA Programmer’s Reference John Green Stephen Bullen Rob Bovey Michael Alexander Excel® 2007 VBA Programmer’s Reference Excel® 2007 VBA Programmer’s Reference John Green Stephen Bullen Rob Bovey Michael Alexander Excel®2007 VBA Programmer’s Reference Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2007 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-0-470-04643-2 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or autho- rization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. 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NEITHER THE PUBLISHER NOR THE AUTHOR SHALL BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES ARISING HEREFROM. THE FACT THAT AN ORGANIZATION OR WEBSITE IS REFERRED TO IN THIS WORK AS A CITATION AND/OR A POTENTIAL SOURCE OF FURTHER INFORMA- TION DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE AUTHOR OR THE PUBLISHER ENDORSES THE INFORMATION THE ORGANIZATION OR WEBSITE MAY PROVIDE OR RECOMMENDATIONS IT MAY MAKE. FURTHER, READ- ERS SHOULD BE AWARE THAT INTERNET WEBSITES LISTED IN THIS WORK MAY HAVE CHANGED OR DISAPPEARED BETWEEN WHEN THIS WORK WAS WRITTEN AND WHEN IT IS READ. For general information on our other products and services or to obtain technical support, please contact our Cus- tomer Care Department within the U.S. at (800) 762-2974, outside the U.S. at (317) 572-3993 or fax (317) 572-4002. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Excel 2007 VBA programmer’s reference / John Green ... [et al.]. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 978-0-470-04643-2 (paper/website) 1. Microsoft Excel (Computer file) 2. Business—Computer programs. I. Green, John, 1945- HF5548.4.M523E92988 2007 005.54—dc22 2007004976 Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley logo, Wrox, the Wrox logo, Programmer to Programmer, and related trade dress are registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and/or its affiliates, in the United States and other countries, and may not be used without written permission. Microsoft and Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corpora- tion in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Wiley Publishing, Inc., is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. About the Authors John Green lives and works in Sydney, Australia, as an independent computer consultant, specializing in Excel and Access. He has 35 years of computing experience, a Chemical Engineering degree, and an MBA. He wrote his first programs in FORTRAN, took a part in the evolution of specialized planning languages on mainframes and, in the early ‘80s, became interested in spreadsheet systems, including 1-2-3 and Excel. John established his company, Execuplan Consulting, in 1980, specializing in developing computer- based planning applications and in training. He has led training seminars for software applications and operating systems both in Australia and overseas. John has had regular columns in a number of Australian magazines and has contributed chapters to a num- ber of books including Excel Expert Solutions and Using Visual Basic for Applications 5. He also co-authored Professional Excel Development with Stephen Bullen and Rob Bovey. From 1995 to 2005 he was accorded the status of MVP (Most Valuable Professional) by Microsoft for his contributions to the CompuServe Excel forum and MS Internet newsgroups. John Green contributed the Introduction, Chapters 1–11, 13, 15–17, and 19 to this book. Stephen Bullen lives in Woodford Green, London, England, with his partner Clare, daughter Becky, and their dogs, Fluffy and Charlie. He has two other daughters, Jane and Katie, from his first marriage. A graduate of Oxford University, Stephen has an MA in Engineering, Economics, and Management, providing a unique blend of both business and technical skills. He has been providing Excel consulting and application development services since 1994, originally as an employee of Price Waterhouse Management Consultants and later as an independent consultant trading under the names of Business Modelling Solutions Limited and Office Automation Limited. Stephen now works for Barclays Capital in London, developing trading systems for complex exotic derivative products. The Office Automation web site, www.oaltd.co.uk, provides a number of helpful and interesting utili- ties, examples, tips and techniques to help in your use of Excel and development of Excel applications. As well as co-authoring previous editions of the Excel VBA Programmer’s Reference, Stephen co-authored Professional Excel Development. In addition to his consulting and writing assignments, Stephen actively supports the Excel user community in Microsoft’s peer-to-peer support newsgroups and the Daily Dose of Excel blog. In recognition of his knowledge, skills and contributions, Microsoft has awarded him the title of Most Valuable Professional each year since 1996. Stephen Bullen contributed Chapters 14, 18, 24–27, and Appendix B to this book. Rob Bovey is president of Application Professionals, a software development company specializing in Microsoft Office, Visual Basic, and SQL Server applications. He brings many years’ experience creating financial, accounting, and executive information systems for corporate users to Application Professionals. You can visit the Application Professionals web site at www.appspro.com. Rob developed several add-ins shipped by Microsoft for Microsoft Excel and co-authored the Microsoft Excel 97 Developers Kit and Professional Excel Development. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from The Rochester Institute of Technology and his MBA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD). Microsoft has awarded him the title of Most Valuable Professional each year since 1995. Rob Bovey contributed Chapters 20–22 to this book. Michael Alexander is a Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) with more than 14 years’ experience consulting and developing office solutions. He parlayed his experience with VBA and VB into a successful consulting practice in the private sector, developing middleware and reporting solu- tions for a wide variety of industries. He currently lives in Frisco, Texas, where he serves as a Senior Program Manager for a top technology firm. Michael is the author of several books on Microsoft Access and Excel, and is the principle behind DataPig Technologies, where he shares Access and Excel knowl- edge with the Office community. Michael Alexander contributed Chapters 12 and 23 and Appendices A and C to this book. Credits Acquisitions Editor Vice President and Executive Publisher Katie Mohr Joseph B. Wikert Development Editor Project Coordinator Brian Herrmann Jennifer Theriot Technical Editor Graphics and Production Specialists Dick Kusleika Carrie A. Foster Denny Hager Production Editor Joyce Haughey William A. Barton Jennifer Mayberry Barbara Moore Copy Editor Barry Offringa Kim Cofer Heather Ryan Editorial Manager Quality Control Technicians Mary Beth Wakefield Jessica Kramer Christine Pingleton Production Manager Tim Tate Proofreading and Indexing Kevin Broccoli Vice President and Executive Group Publisher Sean Medlock Richard Swadley Contents Acknowledgments xxi Introduction xxiii Chapter 1: Primer in Excel VBA 1 Using the Macro Recorder 2 Recording Macros 2 Running Macros 6 The Visual Basic Editor 8 Other Ways to Run Macros 11 User-Defined Functions 17 Creating a UDF 18 What UDFs Cannot Do 21 The Excel Object Model 21 Objects 22 Getting Help 27 Experimenting in the Immediate Window 29 The VBA Language 30 Basic Input and Output 30 Calling Functions and Sub Procedures 35 Parentheses and Argument Lists 37 Variable Declaration 38 Scope and Lifetime of Variables 40 Variable Type 42 Object Variables 45 Making Decisions 47 Looping 50 Arrays 55 Run-Time Error-Handling 59 Summary 62 Chapter 2: The Application Object 63 Globals 63 The Active Properties 64 Display Alerts 65 Screen Updating 66 Contents Evaluate 66 InputBox 68 StatusBar 70 SendKeys 70 OnTime 71 OnKey 72 Worksheet Functions 73 Caller 74 Summary 75 Chapter 3: Workbooks and Worksheets 77 The Workbooks Collection 77 Getting a Filename from a Path 78 Files in the Same Directory 81 Overwriting an Existing Workbook 81 Saving Changes 82 The Sheets Collection 83 Worksheets 83 Copy and Move 85 Grouping Worksheets 87 The Window Object 89 Synchronizing Worksheets 90 Summary 91 Chapter 4: Using Ranges 93 Activate and Select 93 Range Property 95 Shortcut Range References 96 Ranges on Inactive Worksheets 96 Range Property of a Range Object 97 Cells Property 97 Cells Used in Range 98 Ranges of Inactive Worksheets 99 More on the Cells Property of the Range Object 99 Single-Parameter Range Reference 101 Offset Property 102 Resize Property 103 SpecialCells Method 105 Last Cell 105 Deleting Numbers 107 x Contents CurrentRegion Property 108 End Property 110 Referring to Ranges with End 110 Summing a Range 111 Columns and Rows Properties 112 Areas 113 Union and Intersect Methods 115 Empty Cells 115 Transferring Values between Arrays and Ranges 118 Deleting Rows 121 Summary 123 Chapter 5: Using Names 125 Naming Ranges 127 Using the Name Property of the Range Object 128 Special Names 128 Storing Values in Names 129 Storing Arrays 130 Hiding Names 131 Working with Named Ranges 132 Searching for a Name 133 Searching for the Name of a Range 135 Determining which Names Overlap a Range 136 Summary 139 Chapter 6: Data Lists 141 Structuring the Data 141 Sorting a Range 142 Older Excel Versions 144 Creating a Table 144 Sorting a Table 145 AutoFilter 146 AutoFilter Object 147 Filter Object 148 Date Custom Filter 148 Adding Combo Boxes 149 Copying the Visible Rows 153 Finding the Visible Rows 154 Advanced Filter 156 Data Form 158 Summary 159 xi Contents Chapter 7: PivotTables 161 Creating a PivotTable Report 162 PivotCaches 165 PivotTables Collection 165 PivotFields 166 CalculatedFields 170 PivotItems 171 Grouping 171 Visible Property 175 CalculatedItems 176 PivotCharts 177 External Data Sources 178 Summary 180 Chapter 8: Charts 181 Chart Sheets 182 The Recorded Macro 184 Adding a Chart Sheet Using VBA Code 184 Embedded Charts 185 Using the Macro Recorder 186 Adding an Embedded Chart Using VBA Code 186 Editing Data Series 187 Defining Chart Series with Arrays 190 Converting a Chart to Use Arrays 193 Determining the Ranges Used in a Chart 194 Chart Labels 195 Summary 196 Chapter 9: Event Procedures 199 Worksheet Events 199 Enable Events 200 Worksheet Calculate 201 Chart Events 202 Before Double Click 202 Workbook Events 205 Save Changes 206 Headers and Footers 207 Summary 208 xii Contents Chapter 10: Adding Controls 209 Form and ActiveX Controls 209 ActiveX Controls 210 Scrollbar Control 211 Spin Button Control 211 CheckBox Control 212 Option Button Controls 212 Forms Controls 214 Dynamic ActiveX Controls 216 Controls on Charts 220 Summary 221 Chapter 11: Text Files and File Dialog 223 Opening Text Files 223 Writing to Text Files 224 Reading Text Files 226 Writing to Text Files Using Print 227 Reading Data Strings 229 Flexible Separators and Delimiters 230 FileDialog 233 FileDialogFilters 235 FileDialogSelectedItems 235 Dialog Types 235 Execute Method 235 MultiSelect 236 Summary 238 Chapter 12: Working with XML and the Open XML File Formats 239 The Basics of Using XML Data in Excel 240 XML Fundamentals 240 Consuming XML Data Directly 246 Creating and Managing Your Own XML Maps 249 Using VBA to Program XML Processes 253 Programming XML Maps 253 Leveraging DOM and XPath to Manipulate XML Files 258 Using VBA to Program Open XML Files 265 Programming Open XML Files with VBA 266 Programmatically Zipping an Excel Container 267 Summary 272 xiii Contents Chapter 13: UserForms 273 Displaying a UserForm 273 Creating a UserForm 275 Directly Accessing Controls in UserForms 277 Stopping the Close Button 281 Maintaining a Data List 282 Modeless UserForms 288 Progress Indicator 288 Variable UserForm Name 291 Summary 291 Chapter 14: RibbonX 293 Overview 293 Prerequisites 294 Adding the Customizations 294 XML Structure 295 RibbonX and VBA 298 Control Types 299 Basic Controls 299 Container Controls 300 Control Attributes 301 Control Callbacks 303 Managing Control Images 305 Other RibbonX Elements, Attributes, and Callbacks 307 Sharing Controls among Multiple Workbooks 308 Updating Controls at Run Time 309 Hooking Built-In Controls 311 RibbonX in Dictator Applications 312 Customizing the Office Menu 312 Customizing the QAT 313 Controlling Tabs, Tab Sets, and Groups 313 Dynamic Controls 314 dropDown, comboBox, and gallery 315 dynamicMenu 315 CommandBar Extensions for the Ribbon 316 RibbonX Limitations 317 Summary 318 xiv Contents Chapter 15: Command Bars 319 Toolbars, Menu Bars, and Popups 320 Excel’s Built-in Command Bars 322 Controls at All Levels 325 FaceIds 328 Creating New Menus 330 The OnAction Macros 332 Passing Parameter Values 333 Deleting a Menu 334 Creating a Toolbar 335 Popup Menus 338 Showing Popup Command Bars 342 Table-Driven Command Bar Creation 344 Summary 354 Chapter 16: Class Modules 355 Creating Your Own Objects 356 Property Procedures 357 Creating Collections 359 Class Module Collection 360 Encapsulation 363 Trapping Application Events 363 Embedded Chart Events 365 A Collection of UserForm Controls 368 Referencing Classes Across Projects 370 Summary 371 Chapter 17: Add-ins 373 Hiding the Code 374 Creating an Add-in 374 Closing Add-ins 375 Code Changes 376 Saving Changes 377 Interface Changes 377 Installing an Add-in 379 AddinInstall Event 381 Removing an Add-in from the Add-ins List 381 Summary 382 xv Contents Chapter 18: Automation Add-Ins and COM Add-Ins 383 Automation Add-Ins 383 A Simple Add-In — Sequence 384 Registering Automation Add-Ins with Excel 385 Using Automation Add-Ins 386 Introducing the IDTExtensibility2 Interface 388 COM Add-Ins 394 The IDTExtensibility2 Interface (Continued) 395 Registering a COM Add-In with Excel 395 The COM Add-In Designer 396 Summary 409 Chapter 19: Interacting with Other Office Applications 411 Establishing the Connection 411 Late Binding 412 Early Binding 414 Opening a Document in Word 416 Accessing an Active Word Document 417 Creating a New Word Document 418 Access and ADO 419 Access, Excel, and, Outlook 420 Better than Mail Merge 423 Readable Document Variables 428 Summary 430 Chapter 20: Data Access with ADO 431 An Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) 431 The SELECT Statement 432 The INSERT Statement 434 The UPDATE Statement 434 The DELETE Statement 435 An Overview of ADO 436 The Connection Object 437 The Recordset Object 441 The Command Object 445 Using ADO in Microsoft Excel Applications 447 Using ADO with Microsoft Access 448 Using ADO with Microsoft SQL Server 454 Using ADO with Non-Standard Data Sources 463 Summary 468 xvi Contents Chapter 21: Managing External Data 469 The External Data User Interface 469 Get External Data 470 Manage Connections 471 The QueryTable and ListObject 472 A QueryTable from a Relational Database 472 A Query Table Associated with a ListObject 475 QueryTables and Parameter Queries 476 QueryTables from Web Queries 479 A QueryTable from a Text File 482 Creating and Using Connection Files 484 The WorkbookConnection Object and the Connections Collection 487 External Data Security Settings 489 Summary 490 Chapter 22: The Trust Center and Document Security 491 The Trust Center 491 Trusted Publishers 492 Trusted Locations 492 Add-ins 494 ActiveX Settings 495 Macro Settings 497 Message Bar 498 External Content 499 Privacy Options 501 Automating Document Inspection 503 The RemoveDocumentInformation Method 503 The DocumentInspectors Collection 505 Summary 506 Chapter 23: Browsing OLAP Data Sources with Excel 507 Analyzing OLAP Data via Pivot Tables 508 Connecting to an OLAP Data Source 508 Browsing the OLAP Data Source 510 Understanding the MDX behind OLAP-based Pivot Tables 512 The Basics of MDX 513 Browsing OLAP Data Sources without Pivot Tables 517 Using ADO to Return Flattened Recordsets 517 Using ADO MD to Get Cube Schema Information 518 Creating an Inventory of Dimensions, Hierarchies, and Levels 519 xvii
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